Thursday, January 28, 2010

Weight Loss: The Plan

I've been feeling a little bit heavy lately and it doesn't help to see my back with that back shot I did on my previous entry. I look like I have a salbabida around my waist. Hahaha! So today, I thought of making a goal for myself. Lose 15lbs by March. And how? By eating the healthier option and keeping my portions in check. Sounds like a plan, an easy plan, but will it work for me? I am an emotional eater. I eat when I get sad, and sometimes I don't eat at all. I go on binge eating; I could eat half of a birthday cake when I want to. I could finish the icing on the whole cake when I want to. And after feeling severely full, what goes in backfires out. Unhealthy? Very. This whole thing isn't really focused on losing weight, though, losing the weight would really be nice and keeping it off would be great. It's more about being healthy overall and making healthy choices when it comes to food... and life in general. Too deep? Hahaha. Time to go now. Eat healthy! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. dont forget to do brisk walking maski once or twice a week.



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